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Exercising options.. pun intended.

Breakups hurt. The longer you've been together the more it hurts. Lets face it, You built a life around eachother everything you did was for eachother and regardless of how it ended, it ended. Thats why this is being created, thats probably why you are reading it, and statistically its going to happen to some of us more than once. Early on, the question becomes how to ride the tidal wave of emotions and mood swings and feelings that come during this event. That's a little different for everybody but at its core, three principles remain constant. !. Focus on yourself. Wheather you are picking of the pieces of a broken life, or You realise throughout this process the version of you your former significant other was recieving was not the best version possible, or you just need to survive the first couple months and everything rocks the boat because what was stable now isnt, there was no plan for this, The point remains the same. You should be the focal point of you . For some that means hitting the gym. Pressing weight, cardio, the punching bag because its a healthier release than punching the wise guy next to you at work who keeps reminding you how hot your wife was, and how he could never figure how she ended up settling for you in the first place. This accomplishes a couple of things. Endorphins, those little chemicals that make you happy also show up when Pizza, an action movie or working on your car are involved. (more on that later) 2. A famous podcaster once said "Men cry angry, men cry very angry, and the world wants to tell them its ok to act out on that emotion without processing it" Angry, hurt, confused, sad, these are all emotions that seem to respond well (at least temporarily) to some work out therapy. Sometimes it can even provide a little post workout clarity. Go for a run press as hard and fast as you can without tripping over your feet. Press the weight move your max, If you are feeling crazy, Dial it up a notch break your max. The same podcaster also said "Wake up tomorrow a stronger version of you than you went to bed." I will also ad yoga, and meditation to this allthough to be honest I tried. I tried meditation and encouraging innerl calm, but sometimes the silence became deafening and it was back to pushups and presses for me, but do what works for you, and dont be afraid to try different things. Push as hard as you can for an hour. if after an hour you still feel like youve been pushed down the stairs, maybe change what your doing but exercise is important for stability. And right now, as tempting as it is to not care about anything, you are the one who will suffer most from spur of the moment decisions at this point.

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