It can be far too easy to let yourself and important things go after a long term relationship ends. Who cares about housework when your life fell apart am I right??
The problem is, those things will stil be waiting for you to decide they are important again
The bills pile up (so do the dishes and the laundry) who cares about the gym because the one who loved your abs love handles and all isnt there anymore. It can get really depressing. When even your lovehandles prefer the term "platonic grips"
It can be hard to motivate yourself to do the basic thinigs that make life go.
Start small. if you cant shower wash your face(but realise if you work around people a shower will be essential at some point) if you cant do your laundry, put it in the hamper. that way it will at least feel like its on its way to somewhere. If you cant make yourself go to the gym, do ten pushups.. after that just five planks. For some reason its easier to continue things once started than it is to start. Wash two major dishes.. maybe its a pan that you use a lot.. maybe its your favorite mug, but cleaining a couple things will help feel like you accomplished something. if you want to go to work then go home and hide from the world great. but set the expectation that you will at least take out the trash first.
And in all this there is still proper self care. Take time to cry, to acknowledge your feelings. they are vaild. be careful not to drown in them, but process them. feel them. give yourself a chance to put them where feelings go. meditate. take a nap. hang out with close friends. do things that make you happy, or that for a little while at least make you forget that you are sad.